Pop cake and sewing weekend

It was the Queen’s Birthday weekend last weekend.  We holidayed with 5 other families in cabins in a campground on the NSW coast.  There was a little bit of sewing with the lovely view.



That’s the hand pieced Storm at Sea quilt coming along slowly.

The cabin’s all line up  along the river, and over the little footbridge and a dune, is the ocean.



We also celebrated a birthday or two, and my super talented cake maker friend made this!  Too clever.


These are cake pops baked in a cake.  How cool!

We also saw a baby echidna, wallaby with baby in pouch and ‘George’ the dolphin playing in the river.  Here’s the echidna.  I don’t remember seeing one in the wild before.  So cute.


Hopefully I’ll get a chance to finish the rainbow squares quilting soon.


Author: Thread a little Light