Less Quilting, More Conferencing

I have been a bit absent from blogland here, and not getting much sewing done, because I have been here…

ImageYes, I have been swanning around in Melbourne again, this time at the National Architecture Conference.  Gotta get those CPD points somehow 🙂  It was a good couple of days, hearing about some very interesting, and some slightly off centre ideas for materials.  That was the theme of the conference, ‘Material’.  We heard about bricks, 3D printing with mud and salt and porcelain, pollution as a material, recycling, flying robots, smell-o-vision architecture, harvesting unwanted objects and digital construction.

Meanwhile at home, this was waiting.  Patiently.


I had basted it just before I went.  I followed a tip from a lovely lady at church, who tells me she always comes up and borrows the tables to layout and baste with.  Saves on bending over.  Genius.  So that’s what I did, with a couple of helpers, some more active than others as you can see.


We are away again this weekend, so I don’t think it will be finished for a little while yet.  Sigh.

Author: Thread a little Light