Rainbow squares

I had a sudden idea for a quilt a few days ago.  And I just had to see if it would work.  I have been looking at the modern quilts around, and, combined with a surge of organisation of fabric – see below, decided to make a rainbow.  I drew up a pattern on Autocad, printed it and coloured it in.  Here is a sneak peek of the progress on my design wall.  The gaps are where I need to make more blocks – my design wall backing is purple polar fleece at the moment.

ImageI have lots more ideas for doing this design in other colours.  And bigger squares too.

I have also been tidying up and organising my fabrics.  Here is (a very small portion of) what I started with.

ImageAfter much sorting I had this:

ImageAnd then a small percentage of my shelving was neat and tidy like this:

ImageWhat a warm and fuzzy feeling that gives you.  Till you realise it’s only about 15% of your stuff.  Never mind.  It’s a start.  And it inspired me to the rainbow quilt.  Only – I didnt have all the right fabrics I needed, so had to go and get more.  Sigh.

Author: Thread a little Light

6 thoughts on “Rainbow squares

  1. Great idea for a quilt, v pretty colours and well done with all that sorting. I know what you mean about not not having the right fabrics. Most of the things I make are started on the premise that I won’t have to buy anything…yeah right, who am I kidding!

    1. I hear you. I’ve got to think about binding and backing fabric now. I’m pretty sure I dont have that on hand either…

  2. cool idea for a quilt. and don’t worry, for most of us, organization is never done… I like to think of my stash as dynamic… stuff flows out and in, changing how it can or should be organized.

  3. loving this quilt so far, and i’m beyond jealous of your stash. i organized mine yesterday, but let’s say it took a lot less time! 🙂

    1. Thanks, it’s coming together now. I fear my stash size is a legacy of not being able to throw any fabric out. Even ones I really don’t like. I cant imagine using them, but cant get rid of them either. I might have to find some stash buster quilts to make soon.

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