Icecream Sundae Party Cake

Or, less quilting, more cake decorating.

Earlier this week I decorated a cake for my niece’s birthday.  She had an Icecream Sundae party, and chose a cake from Pinterest.  So, after we raced home from the coast, I headed off to create a cake during the party.

This is what we came up with.

ImageBased on this design found on Pinterest.


I started with 4 supermarket bought cakes (did I mention we were at the beach just before this?).


Hacked and stacked them, then covered them with packet fondant icing.  Three packets actually, including decorations.  Then I had a lovely time playing with play dough icing, to create the decorations.  All whilst watching dancing, shrieking, happy girls play party games.

This is the make your own Sundae table that my sister organised, just before the hungry crowd started their creations.  Yum.




Author: Thread a little Light